Sunday, August 21, 2011

what done can't be undone.

.......part 2....

as what I've wrote below(part 1).....the truth has prevail. Allah itu maha kuasa. Pasti ada hikmah di sebalik setiap kejadian. article below was written about two month ago and today the truth has surfaced. Dari awal dah cakap ttg pentingnya kejujuran. I've given you chances - you blew it. I've given you trust - you betrayed it.

what next????....we'll see. but definetly its not gonna be the same. I'm firm with my word. I just had enough. take this as a lesson which not gonna happen again to whoever that will replace me.
hate when this happened. but please respect my decission.
Yang penting think positively. Allah beri kira pengajaran supaya kita menjadi lebih baik. Allah got better plan for us. Its not the end of the world. we got a clear vission.

selepas ni whatever activiti bersama we will act profesionally. no string attached.

sempenakedatangan shawal ni, I mohon ampon maaf seandai pernah mnyakiti fizikal atau emosi u. Andai pernah terkasar bahasa ni. Mohon halal segala-gala yg pernah termakan terminum. Bagi diri I, i dah lama maafkan you malah hampir setiap malam i maafkan u. i halal kan segala-gala nya dunia akhirat. mungkin lepas ni yg paling tepat kalau kita just jd spiritual friends.

till then.......

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